Current Lab Members
Corey Baron, PhD
Dr. Corey Baron is a Scientist at the Robarts Research Institute, Associate Professor of Medical Biophysics at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada, and the Canada Research Chair of Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
Associate Professor, Medical Biophysics. Scientist, Robarts Research Institute.
Paul Dubovan
Paul received an undergraduate degree from the University of Windsor in Medical Physics, where he developed an interest in medical imaging and experimental research. His project involves the application of real-time eddy current monitoring strategies to eliminate the artifacts created by advanced diffusion MRI techniques.
PhD Student, Medical Biophysics. Supervised by Dr. Corey Baron.
Jake Hamilton
Jake received his undergraduate degree in Life Sciences & Physics at Queen's University. His work involves using advanced diffusion MRI techniques to study microstructural changes in the brain following repeated concussion (or mild traumatic brain injury).
PhD Student, Medical Biophysics.
Co-supervised by Drs. Corey Baron and Arthur Brown.
Filipe Ledo
In June 2023, Filipe earned a bachelor's degree with honours in Specialized Biophysics from York University. While pursuing his undergraduate degree, he developed a deep admiration for medical imaging, with a particular fondness for MRI, and became increasingly interested in experimental research. He has entered the Ph.D. CAMPEP Medical Biophysics Program at Western University and his research efforts will focus on the application of spiral acquisitions and compressed sensing in fMRI.
MSc Student, Medical Biophysics.
Co-supervised by Drs. Ravi Menon and Corey Baron.
Ricardo Alonso Rios Carrillo
Dr. Ricardo Rios-Carrillo received his PhD in biomedical sciences in Mexico, where he also did a bachelor’s degree as a biomedical engineer and a master’s degree in computer science. His PhD project focused on applications of advanced diffusion MRI and machine learning techniques for different models of white matter degeneration. His current research focuses on the application of these technologies for the stratification of dementia in a clinical population. He is also working in the development of new contrasts mechanisms that combine diffusion and relaxometry MRI techniques to quantify iron-accumulation at the microstructure level.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Robarts Research Institute
Anthony Chu
Anthony received his undergraduate degree in the Honours specialization in Neuroscience program here at Western University. During his fourth year, he developed an interest in medical imaging, specifically with MRI, with regards to detecting different medical conditions. His work involves investigating microscopic fractional anisotropy in TLE patients.
MSc Student, Neuroscience. ​
Naila Rahman, PhD, 2019-24
Nico Arezza, PhD, 2018-23
Vinicius Campos, Visiting PhD, 2023-24
Gabriel Enrique Varela-Mattatall, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2019-2023
Tales Santini, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020-2022
Mohammad Omer, BMSc Medical Biophysics, 2021-22
Kevin Borsos, MSc Medical Biophysics, 2019-21
Jake Valsamis, BMSc Medical Biophysics, 2018-21
Tristan Kuehn, MESc Biomedical Engineering, 2018-20
Aidin Arbabi, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2018-19