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Our lab's research objective is to develop innovative and robust methods to measure tissue parameters with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and then apply these approaches to learn more about disease or healthy development. A key component for this research is the development of advanced diffusion MRI methods, which provide exquisite sensitivity to cellular microstructural environment. This type of virtual microscopy of the brain allows characterization of in vivo tissue changes that occur in disorders or normal development/learning, which can help us to understand the brain’s complex inner workings, providing insight for the development of interventions or diagnostic tools.

Recent Research

Basis function compression for field probe monitoring {arXiv}
P. Dubovan, G. Varela-Mattatall, E. Michael, F. Hennel, R. Menon, K. Pruessmann, A. Kerr, C. Baron

Tensor-valued and frequency-dependent diffusion MRI and magnetization transfer saturation MRI evolution during adult mouse brain maturation {arXiv}
N. Rahman*, J. Hamilton*, K. Xu, A. Brown, C. A. Baron
* co-first author

Robust frequency-dependent diffusion kurtosis computation using an efficient direction scheme, axisymmetric modelling, and spatial regularization {arXiv} {Imaging Neuroscience}
J. Hamilton, K. Xu, A. Brown, C. A. Baron

Microscopic fractional anisotropy asymmetry in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy {medRxiv}
Nico J. J. Arezza, Hana Abbas, Caroline Chadwick, Ingrid S. Johnsrude, Jorge Burneo, Ali R. Khan, Corey A. Baron

A longitudinal microstructural MRI dataset in healthy C57Bl/6 mice at 9.4 Tesla {Scientific Data}
Naila Rahman, Kathy Xu, Matthew D. Budde, Arthur Brown, Corey A. Baron

High-resolution single-shot spiral diffusion-weighted imaging at 7T using expanded encoding with compressed sensing {arXiv} {MRM}
Gabriel Varella-Mattatall, Paul I. Dubovan, Tales Santini, Kyle M. Gilbert, Ravi S. Menon, Corey A. Baron

Estimation of free water-corrected microscopic fractional anisotropy {medRxiv} {FrontNeuro}
Nico J. J. Arezza, Mohammad Omer, Corey A. Baron

Enabling complex fibre geometries using 3D printed axon-mimetic phantoms {bioRxiv} {Front. Neuro}
Tristan K. Kuehn, Farah N. Mushtaha, Ali R. Khan, Corey A. Baron

Frequency tuned bipolar oscillating gradients for mapping diffusion kurtosis dispersion in the human brain. {arXiv} {MRM}
Kevin B. Borsos, Desmond H.Y. Tse, Paul I. Dubovan, Corey A. Baron

Integration of a radiofrequency coil and commercial field camera for ultra-high-field MRI. {BioRXiv} {MRM} {MRM Highlights}
Kyle M. Gilbert, Paul Dubovan, Joseph S. Gati, Ravi S. Menon, Corey A. Baron

Test-retest reproducibility of in vivo oscillating gradient and microscopic anisotropy diffusion MRI in mice at 9.4 Tesla. {BioRXiv} {PLOS ONE}
Naila Rahman, Kathy Xu, Mohammad Omer, Matthew Budde, Arthur Brown, Corey Baron

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